Designing Your Life Book News / Tips for Designing Your Life

The American Genius: What To Do When You Can’t Find Your Passion and You’re Feeling Lost

The Designing Your Life team agrees with The American Genius when they say it takes time to find your passion. To quote author Erin Wike, “Kindly note, the first thing is to allow yourself TIME. You need some time to figure it out, do some research, look in to options, have conversations, possibly work experiences, maybe some inner soul searching and spiritual work. If you think you have to have this figured out right away, you may have already put a limit on yourself (sorry to be a buzzkill but you might need YEARS to figure out your purpose). You ideally need to figure out how to get from A to B, not A to Z right now.” She includes many great passion finding suggestions, including DYL. Thank you, Erin!