
Certifications Overview

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For coaches working with individuals and groups of fewer than 10 people, this 3 day virtual certification provides an opportunity to learn and practices the fundamentals of life design as used as a coaching tool. Work with Bill Burnett, Dave Evans and a community of other coaches to become officially certified as a commercial life design coach.

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For workshop businesses delivering personal and professional development workshops to groups of all sizes in corporate and public settings, this 5 day virtual training provides an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of delivering life design content in hands-on workshops. Train with Kathy Davies, Susan Burnett and a community of other seasoned facilitators and public speakers to become officially certified as a commercial workshop facilitator and provider.

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Stanford Life Design Studio

For academic and career educators working in higher ed, this 5 day virtual training or 3.5 day in person training provides an opportunity to experience life design as a learner, discuss program and curriculum building fundamentals and to build practices and plans for bringing life design to your institution. Work with the Stanford Life Design Lab and a community of other educators in higher ed to develop a curricular prototype, and to craft a pitch to collaborators. Join an ongoing creative commons, not for profit community, sharing life design work with students in higher education.

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Commercial Coaching Certification


  • Type and length of Training – Virtual / 3 x 4 hour session + 6 hours of “flipped classroom” instruction before Virtual “live” training.
  • Training Cost – $2,100 pp
  • Official Certification for Use in For- Profit Settings – Coaching Certification Badge and Certification of Completion.
  • Allowable client / student group size – Individuals and Coaching Groups of 10 or fewer.
  • Materials provided for use with clients / students – Coaching handouts.
  • Requirements to enroll – Life or career coach, with certification from a recognized coaching institute, training program, or school. Career counselor at a non-profit or university; mental health or human resources professional. Completion of an in-depth DYL Workshop.
  • Annual Renewal fees / License fees – $500 annually (discounts available).


Commercial Workshop Provider Certification

  • Type and length of Training – Virtual / 5 x 4.5 hour sessions; participants will practice delivery of core modules. Self paced submission of videos for final certification in month following the training.
  • Training Cost – $5,000 pp.
  • Official Certification for Use in For-Profit Settings – Workshop Provider Contract and Certification Badge. Coaching Certification Badge is included.
  • Allowable client / student group size – Any.
  • Materials provided for use with clients / students – Slides and scripts for commercial use, Session plans, Workbook files and Proposal materials.
  • Requirements to enroll – Established business with evidence of existing clientele and experience facilitating group workshops. Evidence of business insurance. 2 team members to attend training.
  • Annual Renewal fees / License fees – $1,000pp annually / 12% of gross workshop revenues.


Stanford Life Design Studio for Higher Ed Educators

  • Type and length of Training – Virtual / 5 sessions: 3 x 4.5 hours and 2 x 6.5 hours. In person at Stanford University 3.5 days.
  • Training Cost – $2,000pp (virtual) or $3,500 (in-person)
  • Official Certification for Use in For-Profit Settings – None: all materials are shared under a not for profit, creative commons license, and can only be used in the context of higher ed. Materials cannot be used for profit or outside higher ed.
  • Allowable client / student group size – Any.
  • Materials provided for use with clients / students – All Stanford class materials, including slides, handouts and session plans. Access to the Studio Resource portal including materials from collaborating schools globally, readings, videos and other curricular aides.
  • Requirements to enroll – 80% time employment at an accredited institution of higher education.
  • Annual Renewal fees / License fees – None.


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