Designing Your Life Works: Lauren Hipschman realizes the underlying themes in her Odyssey Plans and changes the trajectory of her life.
“DYL taught me that I can prototype anything – that a simple Odyssey Plan can make dreams and hopes a reality, and that networking is the key to unlocking possibilities, learning, and insights…You helped fundamentally change the trajectory of my life”
Lauren Hipschman came to the Designing Your Life for Women workshop at an inflection point. “I was planning my wedding, taking on more responsibility at work, and feeling stuck living in Silicon Valley. I had never consciously designed my life, and was curious about design thinking.”
On the first day of the workshop, Lauren assessed her balance and energy and realized that she dreaded business trips because they depleted her for days. “Right then and there, I designed the next business trip differently. I scheduled in time for exercising and enjoying healthy food, and sequenced energy-giving activities after energy-draining ones. The following week I executed my new plan, and it was the best business trip I ever had. I saw an immediate benefit.”
The most impactful part of the workshop for Lauren was Odyssey Planning. “I planned my three lives with all the things I wanted in the future. When I shared my Odyssey Plans with women I had just met, they were amazing. They helped me see the themes of family and community in all three plans, and they highlighted that living in Monterey County was where I had the most excitement. They helped me reframe my fear of starting a family. I loved this radical collaboration process.”
Fast forward a year. Lauren is married and just celebrated her one-year anniversary. “My husband and I have bought our first home in Monterey County, and we have a studio in Silicon Valley, where we both work in jobs we love. We have negotiated some work-at-home time, and have the best of both worlds – something I never could have imagined before. DYL taught me that I can prototype anything – that a simple Odyssey Plan can make dreams and hopes a reality, and that networking is the key to unlocking possibilities, learning, and insights. Because of both of you (Kathy and Susan) and DYL for Women, I’m now pursuing a path to a whole new life filled with love, balance, joy, and purpose. You helped fundamentally change the trajectory of my life.”