Summer is a great time to relax and take stock, before diving into building your thriving life. And its also a time where you may have a moment to add new skills to your personal and professional toolbox.Sign up now for the June 23-24 Designing Your Life For Women workshop, a retreat to engage in the practices and tools described in the Designing Your Life book, and to be in conversation with others who are ready to take action on their life design journeys. This workshop is also the last in person event before the July coaches training and fills the prerequisite attendance of a DYL workshop in order to be admitted into the coaches training.
Here is what some of the recent DYL workshop participants said about their experiences:
“This workshop was one of the best I’ve ever attended. Even though I also took the Creative Live Session, I got so much more out of experiencing this in person. The conversations with the instructors and other participants were critical in helping me get unstuck.”
“Thanks so much for the great workshop… I can’t wait to attend the coaching certification. The tools have been already been life changing for clients, my family and friends. Really, really something!!”
For coaches and non-coaches alike, a workshop this summer is a great way jump start your life design journey.