
Rebecca Chandler Blackall

Accepting Clients
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Rebecca is a coach, consultant, and fierce believer in the potential of all humans to thrive. She began her career in the classroom, where her work with diverse learners deepened her conviction that we all do best when we understand ourselves, our needs, and leverage our strengths. Across her work in academia, organizations within the nonprofit and private sectors, and in coaching relationships, one thing rings consistently true regardless of environment: People who are set up to leverage their superpowers and live into their fullest selves are the pulse of change. Rebecca grounds her practice in the space where relationships and strategy collide, knowing that, at times, we must create a beautiful mess in order to envision our most emboldened and impactful future. Rebecca is also Hogan certified and is currently accepting clients ranging from 1:1 engagement to professional development of teams.

Coaching Types

Business & Entrepreneurship Executive and Leadership Relationships

Language Spoken


Group Sizes Available

Individual Small Group (10 or less)