
Xiaonan Zhong

Virtual/Online - (Global)
Accepting Clients
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Xiaonan is a Certified Coach -International Coach Federation PCC, and her mission is to help people to live a fulfilled life by applying Positive Psychology practices to make change easy, simple and sustainable! She holds a MS in Applied Psychology from Chinese Academy of Sciences. She lives in Beijing with her family. Email: 使命-帮助自己和他人活出向往的生活! 如果你期待成为更好的自己,拥有高品质的关系,活出你向往的生活。我愿用我的实践陪你探索你人生的可能性, 整合脑科学、积极心理学方法论让你要的结果发生&可持续,支持你从知道到做到,“心中有力量,手中有方法”,活出你向往的生活!公众号钟情如许主理人,正念生活践行者。

Coaching Types

Career Transition Life Design Retirement

Language Spoken

Chinese English

Group Sizes Available

Individual Small Group (10 or less)