Ready to transform your work life? Join author Bill Burnett and Keen On host Andrew Keen f…
Everyone on the Designing Your Life team appreciates when we hear from readers, life desig…
Designing Your New Work Life authors Bill Burnett and Dave Evans had the chance to join Fo…
Designing Your New Work Life officially comes out tomorrow, October 26th. We’re exci…
Designing Your New Work Life is almost here! It’s the newest addition to the Designi…
“When retirement isn’t retiring to a rocking chair, what do you do?”
The Designing Your Life movement has connected the team to an incredible group of uniquely…
“The DYL digital journey is a perfect composition of 3 bi-weekly live sessions, a well-t…
The Designing Your Life team is delighted to announce Designing Your Work Life has been na…
“If reading the DYL books was eye-opening, taking the Digital Journey was like stepping …
As vaccination rates rose, many employers thought that the dust would settle, and we would…
Ana Cristina Leonardos is a sociologist, author and co-founder of Festina Lente Platform.Â…
Tessa Preito-Valdes shared her delightful Designing Your Life experience in the Philippine…
I first learned about Designing Your Life while attending a non-profit leadership training…
What kind of results can you realistically expect from ten hours of group coaching on Zoom…
Alison Clark Efford just piloted a new graduate class prototype and was kind enough to sha…