
Our Insights

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Advice to a Younger Me: Kathy Davies

26 November 2019

As an instructor of Designing Your Life at Stanford, and a master trainer and facilitator …

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Designing Your Career at Yale

21 November 2019

Sophomores at Yale can now learn how to design their lives, and careers, at Yale. Learn mo…

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Designing Your Life: Dave Evans Opens Up to Cornell Students

21 November 2019

Designing Your Life was selected as the Dyson School at Cornell’s Summer read of 201…

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Stories of Lives Well Designed: Mallory O’Connor

21 November 2019

Our latest story in our series of lives well-designed comes to us from Vancouver, BC in Ca…

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Shelf Help Book of the Month: Designing Your Life

14 October 2019

We are always keeping an eye on the #DesigningYourLife conversation on social media, and w…

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Designing Your Life in the Political Arena: Lela Panagides’ Story

1 October 2019

People sometimes ask why they should attend a Life Design workshop, since all the exercise…

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We Are All Designers: The 101 Covers Bill Burnett’s Visit to Thailand

9 September 2019

Designing Your Life Authors Bill Burnett and Dave Evans are lucky to be invited around the…

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NPR: How To Get A Job After College

9 September 2019

Finding a job after college can be hard. Knowing what will both fulfill you and pay the bi…

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Designing Your Life is the “Shelf Help Club” Book of the Month: London Evening Standard

9 September 2019

Over the years, we’ve seen Designing Your Life book clubs pop up in-person and onlin…

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Design Your Life: Italian Edition

19 August 2019

The Italian translation of Designing Your Life was recently released, and Francesca Parvie…

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Join Dave Evans at 1440 Multiversity

30 July 2019

This Saturday, Designing Your Life author Dave Evans will be returning to 1440 Multiversit…

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Smart Ways to Invest in Your Career for Under $20

28 July 2019

When we think of investments we can make in our career, the cost of many of those options …

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Embracing Change: Smith College Students Participate in Designing Your Life

27 July 2019

In an increasingly complex world with an increasingly uncertain future, students need all …

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A Different Summer Reading List – Personal Development

27 July 2019

Natalie Mellin of Ericsson curated a thought-provoking list of personal development books …

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Advice to a Younger Me: Susan Burnett

22 July 2019

Our very own Susan Burnett was a guest on the podcast Advice to My Younger Self, hosted by…

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In Her Own Voice: Cathy D on Reframing Difficult Transitions

29 May 2019

Cathy Dalipe came to the DYL for Women workshop at an inflection point when she did not kn…