Designing Your Life Book News / Tips for Designing Your Life

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness at Work: The Amazon Book Review

“Reflection is a way of paying attention to our experience in a curated way. We suggest that you take some time, once a week, to review the important moments in the week that you are grateful for. These moments can be from work or from your daily life, and best if they are some of both. Pick one or two, write them down and then reflect on those moments, relive how you felt, and fully savor those feelings. Then reinforce those feelings by writing them down to make sure you remember them. These moments you are grateful for make for great stories, so be sure to share them with friends and family. It is a virtuous cycle of noticing, reflecting and savoring, reinforcing, and storytelling, and it tends to change your experience, your internal story, of how things are going.”

Continue reading more from Bill Burnett’s interview on “The Amazon Book Review,” by Sarah Gelman.