As vaccination rates rose, many employers thought that the dust would settle, and we would…
Ana Cristina Leonardos is a sociologist, author and co-founder of Festina Lente Platform.Â…
Tessa Preito-Valdes shared her delightful Designing Your Life experience in the Philippine…
I first learned about Designing Your Life while attending a non-profit leadership training…
What kind of results can you realistically expect from ten hours of group coaching on Zoom…
Alison Clark Efford just piloted a new graduate class prototype and was kind enough to sha…
Alexandra Regan was part of our second virtual workshop community and shares her experienc…
Ideation is the process of generating as many ideas as possible to come up with potential…
Many people pick up a copy of Designing Your Life looking to make a significant change in …
We are thrilled to announce that +RASMUSSEN, a German consulting firm focuse…
Chaos or Creativity?
I see this sign on my wall every day, and never has it been more real…
Author Bill Burnett was recently invited to contribute to a new TED series and the post is…
“Taking this workshop with you changed my life. When I write my autobiography, I’m goi…
Company leaders know it’s tough to work virtually every day, all day. They recognize t…
It’s no secret that we love discovering new DYL communities around the world, so fin…
If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? Summer in the South Pa…